Black Cumin Seed Seasoning Trio


The Trio consist of a half and half or 50% mixture of Black Cumin Seeds along with Coarse Black Pepper, Celtic Salt, and Lemon Pepper.
Description & Ingredients
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Benefits:  Uses may help relieve Allergies & Asthma, Type 2 Diabetes; provides Anti-Microbial Properties, Helps lower Cholesterol, may alleviate stomach ulcers & inflammation if you struggle with digestion and bloating. Sprinkle 1 or 2 teaspoons to season food.
Precautions: Not recommended for Cancer Patients, pregnant women or children. Type 2 Diabetics should consult with a physician first. Black Cumin Seed does contain Thymoquinone or TQ, which may lower blood sugar and/or blood pressure. Also, do not use if bleeding or taking blood thinners. Cancer patients taking Radiation Treatments should consult with their Physicians first as well.


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